The request is made to a URL defined in the form’s action attribute, and the type of request (GET or POST) is defined in the form’s method attribute. The action attribute of the FORM tag provides the URL of the program (which is in the server) that receives the information from the form and processes it. HTML Form Attributes. The
tag accepts the following attributes. This is necessary when adding data to a database, or when submitting sensitive information, such as passwords. button: It is used to perform an operation in a form by the user. In other words, instead of form.elements.login we can write form.login.. That also works, but there’s a minor issue: if we access an element, and then change its name, then it is still available under the old name (as well as under the new one).. That’s easy to see in an example: Most of the servers keep these form processing programs in a bin known as Common Gateway Interface-binaries (cgi-bin) When a form is submitted, the name-value pairs from all the fields inside the element are included in an HTTP. In this HTML Form Attribute article, we will design a simple form and see the element along with various attributes that we can use with it. HTML form element can be used in various ways, It can be used along with the many existing available HTML elements like